-Did you use my conditioner?
-What? No.
-No, I can tell, man.
-What are you doing?
-Lotusberry Relax. Lotusberry Relax. I can smell it on you right now!
-Fine! Stop smelling my hair!
-You know how much that stuff costs?
-Okay, Schmidt, I didn't use your conditioner.
-Why does your hair look so baby soft?!
-Fine, Schmidt! I ran out of shampoo and I used your conditioner. We're talking about conditioner, right?
-You used it as shampoo?! It's for moisture, Nick, not for cleaning! I can't believe we're friends.
-Give me it back, man.
-Give you what back?
-Give me it back.
-Think about what you're doing right now.
-I'm squeezing it out of your hair.
-You're squeezing it out of my hair?
-Yes, I am.
-Stop squeezing it out of my hair!
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